Today, UV technology is used in virtually every part of the world and is considered the best available technology for treating waterborne microbiological contamination. UV treatment destroys the growth of microorganisms without the use of harmful chemicals, providing disinfected water without unwanted odors, taste, or changes in pH.
Ultraviolet filtration is a method of disinfection that many in the water treatment industry use for removing microorganisms from water. Ultraviolet light is used in short wavelengths, which damage microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing. There is a variety of applications that utilize ultraviolet filtration to maintain water quality.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants use ultraviolet filtration to ensure that the water is free from microorganisms and other harmful bacteria, so it can be readily reused, for such purposes as irrigation. Ultraviolet filtration is an ideal water treatment choice in comparison to the use of chlorine, which can leave toxic residue in the water. Although Ultraviolet filtration is preferred to chlorine, it is important to securely store ultraviolet filtered water immediately, before it can be re-contaminated.
Aquariums and ponds also utilize ultraviolet water technology to control undesirable microorganisms in the water that can harm the fish or other aquatic life. Continuous ultraviolet filtration treatment of an aquarium or pond decreases the chances of an outbreak of algae and other exposed pathogens. ultraviolet filtration also helps to lessen the chance of a disease outbreak in an aquarium or pond. Ultraviolet water filtration has proved to be a safer and more dependable solution for aquariums and ponds than harsh chemicals that can end up killing the aquatic life inside.
Ultraviolet filtration has also been used in the food and beverage industries. As food safety has become an increasing concern, finding ways to remove pathogens effectively and safely from food and water sources is critical. Fruit juices and water are processed under ultraviolet lights prior to bottling. Ultraviolet light works to protect foods from contamination by cooling fluids.
Many people in the water treatment industry believe ultraviolet water treatment technology, for the purpose of removing harmful microorganisms, is preferable to potentially hazardous chemicals. Ultraviolet light destroys the DNA of the microorganisms, which leaves them unable to reproduce and they inevitably die off.
Ultraviolet disinfection is a cost-effective water treatment disinfection option because it is relatively simple to install and requires little to no maintenance. Ultraviolet devices are proven to be effective in both well water and surface water applications. ultraviolet filtration is also effective because parasites and other typically chemical-resistant microorganisms are killed by it. For those seeking the safest yet most effective method for removing microorganisms and other harmful bacteria from water, ultraviolet water filtration is the ideal choice.